The Healthtender has had an incredible month of dipping with our fabulous sponsor George Dickel. We recently sat down to chat with Jess Parsons of Cascade Hollow Distilling Company so Healthtender fans could meet the humans investing in your future as a healthy hospitality member. Read on!
The Healthtender: Tell me about your role with George Dickel
Jess Parsons: I work for Cascade Hollow Distilling Co., home of George Dickel Tennessee Whisky, as a Distiller's Apprentice in Alabama and Mississippi. My role is much in the vain of a Brand Ambassador, whilst also working closely with our General Manager and Distiller, Nicole Austin. I promote George Dickel at events and in bars/restaurants for a living, and it's pretty tight!
HT: What is your personal philosophy on health, wellness, fitness, and/or self-care?
JP: I think balance is the key to everything in life. Working out is a passion for me but it can also get lost in the day-to-day, which is why supporting and encouraging each other in our fitness goals is key. I think it is really important to make time for ourselves, and for me that means dedicating a balanced amount of time to work, community endeavors, workouts, nutrition, pedicures, bubblebaths, etc. so that I remain 100 for my job, friends and family.
HT: Why did you decide to team up with The Healthtender to sponsor a fitness challenge?
JP: The Healthtender is out here encouraging camaraderie, wellness, and general self love and appreciation. Who wouldn't want to be on board with that??
HT: What trends have you observed and/or would you hope to see in our industry with regards to health and wellness?
JP: I see a growing focus on health/wellness education at events, in bars, and on SM that I think is inspiring and a real way to build health conscious communities. I love seeing these fitness challenges created, supported and executed by the people I love most, industry folks! Also, more yoga and activity based fitness programs ftw!